Adventure Training
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Can you just survive or can you thrive?
Have you ever wanted to learn how to survive in the wild, how to navigate just using nature, how to build a shelter and start a fire? Our survival days are perfect for those interested in learning all of the bushcraft and survival skills a fun and dynamic way. The start of the day is spent teaching you the basics of survival and the second half of the day we give you some real scenarios that you need will need to use your knew skills to survive.
Running time: 5 hours.
Perfect for: stag/hen/birthday parties, outdoor adventure enthusiasts and those wanting to understand nature more.
Learning: Priorities of survival - Fire - Shelter - Food - Water - Self-Rescue - Knots - Natural Navigation
Our caving days are a perfect way for you to experience all the aspects of caving or maybe a perfect gift for someone who has done it all!
Caving can be scary for some, however your qualified and experienced instructor will be able to discuss what you wish to get out of the day.
Caves are amazing environments and we love seeing how much people enjoy their days.
Survival Instructors
Taster Days:
Do you want to try climbing, but don’t know where to start? A climbing taster day maybe perfect for you. A qualified and experienced instructor will guide you through all of the safety and coaching elements to ensure a enjoyable day. We offer indoor climbing at a range of venues across the UK. Climbing is a great way to improve both mental and physical health.
Indoor Climbing Training Days:
We offer bespoke days to improve your overall safety and understanding of indoor climbing.
If you like to follow a structured training program and climbing development then the National Indoor Climbing Wall Awards (NICAS) may just be right for you.
NICAS is a nationally-recognised scheme and is a great way to develop your climbing indoors from a novice to becoming a safe proficient climber and belayer
NICAS Levels:
1. New Climber
An entry level award aimed at novices that recognises their ability to climb safely under supervision.
2. Foundation Climber
The award aims to promote good practice in climbing and bouldering on an artificial wall.
3. Technical Climber
A more advanced top-roping and bouldering award that focusses on developing technique and movement skills. This is aimed at ensuring a candidate possesses the knowledge and skill to climb and belay safely at any climbing facility (whether or not under supervision or with back-up) and operate in a responsible manner
Taster Days:
A climbing taster day maybe perfect for you if you love the outdoors and want to try a new activity. A qualified and experienced instructor will guide you through all of the safety and coaching elements to ensure a enjoyable day. We offer a range of outdoor climbing at different venues across the south-west of the UK.
Outdoor Climbing Training Days:
These are aimed for those who have some experience in climbing or are moving from indoor to outdoor climbing and wish to have training.
You may be working towards a nationally recognised qualification and therefore require training in a certain aspect of climbing, this training is delivered by a qualified Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor (Summer & Winter).